Stripe Payment Integration

Stripe Payment Integration is a service offered by Stripe Payment to reduce the complexity of PCI compliance.


This integration makes use of the official stripe python package offered by Stripe Payments. Please install it before you use this integration.

Refer to the Stripe Payments Gateway for the settings attributes.

Here are the methods and attributes implemented on the StripeIntegration class:

  • __init__(self, options=None): The constructor method that configures the stripe setting

  • get_urls(self): The method sets the url to which the token is sent after the it is obtained from Stripe. This method is generally mapped directly in the

    from billing import get_integration
    stripe = get_integration("stripe")
    urlpatterns += patterns('',
       (r'^stripe/', include(stripe_obj.urls)),
  • transaction(self, request): The method that receives the Stripe Token after successfully validating with the Stripe servers. Needs to be subclassed to include the token transaction logic.

  • generate_form(self): The method that generates and returns the form (present in billing.forms.stripe_form)


In <some_app>/integrations/

from billing.integrations.stripe_integration import StripeIntegration

class StripeExampleIntegration(StripeIntegration):
    class transaction(self, request):
        # The token is received in the POST request
        resp = self.stripe_gateway.purchase(100, request.POST["stripeToken"])
        if resp["status"] == "SUCCESS":
            # Redirect if the transaction is successful
            # Transaction failed

In the

stripe_obj = get_integration("stripe_example")
return render_to_response("some_template.html",
                        {"stripe_obj": stripe_obj},

In the

stripe_obj = get_integration("stripe_example")
urlpatterns += patterns('',
   (r'^stripe/', include(stripe_obj.urls)),

In the template:

{% load render_integration from billing_tags %}
{% render_integration stripe_obj %}